Saturday, November 24, 2012

Habitual Website Behaviour Will Help You Succeed

How do Olympic athletes succeed? Sports psychologists, of course, will tell you that the difference between competing and winning gold is all in the mind. Nutritionists would beg to differ, no doubt, saying it is more to do with the right kind of diet. Meanwhile, coaches will say it is about the mix of training. But probably, more than anything, it is about habit formation. The reason people are even good enough to enter the Olympics is because they train every day. Rowers get up at 5am each day to be on the river at first light. Swimmers are in the pool before it is open to the public. Athletes run to the gym before you have woken up.

They do this automatically; it is not a conscious, thought-out process. Indeed, the daily routine at the gym the rowing down the river or the endless lengths in the pool are habits. The difference between truly successful athletes and the rest of us is the fact that the medal winners habitually do all the right things to succeed.

You can see this outside of sport, of course. The best surgeons don't have to think about how they hold the scalpel - it is a habit. Similarly, the greatest inventors don't occasionally come up with ideas, it is a daily habit. And the best sales people cannot stop selling, they habitually sell, sell, sell.

Online we also exhibit habitual behaviour. When did you last make a conscious decision as to the most appropriate search engine or tool for finding our what you wanted to know, or did you just go straight to Google? When did you last make a conscious decision as to the best way to contact your friends, or did you just go straight to Facebook?  When did you last make a conscious decision about where to buy that book, or did you go straight to Amazon? The common feature between these sites is that they have become habits.

Habits are behaviours you do repeatedly without conscious thought. Not all habits, of course, are good; smoking is a disease causing habit, driving with one hand on the wheel is a danger-laden habit and eating cream cakes every day is a life-threatening habit. But some habits are good; getting up at 5am to row down the river keeps you healthy, going to bed at the same time each night and getting plenty of sleep reduces stress and giving your partner a present every week just for being them helps prolong relationships. When we hear the word "habit" we often associate it negatively, but we don't have to; good habits are valuable.

So, the habit of using Facebook for social interaction is good - you keep in touch with people more often than you would otherwise and the extra social contact has stress-reducing effects on you. Similarly, the habit of buying books on Amazon is also a potential good habit because it stops millions of people driving their cars to bookshops, saving them time, money and impact on the environment.

If you are a website owner, what is the habit that your visitors engage in? Indeed, is your website a habit for people? If not, then you are much less likely to succeed. A website that is a habit is amongst the medal winners, whereas a website that only every now and then gets visitors is rather like the amateur sports person.

How long though does it take to form a habit amongst your visitors? You will read plenty of information which suggests a habit is something that takes 14 days to produce. However, research on the formation of habits shows that it takes an average of 66 days. There is also tremendous variation in habit forming, with some people needing around eight months of daily, continual behaviour before it forms an automated habit.

If your website does not promoted habitual behaviour, though, you are much less likely to gain the levels of success you want. So what habit do you want to form in your readers? Focus on that and you will do well.

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How to Brand Your Arcade Website

Online flash arcade business is still a huge industry. Despite the introduction and penetration of other gaming platforms such as new console games (XBOX, Playstation, Wii), Mobile (Android and iOS) games and Facebook games, millions of visitors are still playing in online flash game arcades. Due to this huge demand, the presence of online arcades is also high. So the competition is tough and getting visitors to your arcade might be a really difficult task. But still there is a chance if you are able to brand your arcade well.

Once branded properly, you will be able to recruit, retain and regain gamers which will be very profitable. But it is not an easy task to do so. The ones who are able to do so become the big names in the online gaming industry. Addicting Games from MTV is one big example of highly branded, highly searched for and highly popular arcade.

To achieve similar fame is not that easy. I have prepared a following points to help anyone to brand their arcade:

Domain Name: The first thing to branding is the name of the product. The name of our arcade domain name should be properly chosen. Do not choose something too common, something hard to remember or something weird. Just get a simple domain name which is short, reflects the gaming industry, is easily memorable and is of a unique feel. The Product: Your product which is your gaming site should be a strong one. Do not make it like one of those common arcades. Give it a unique and exclusive interface and make sure no one steals it. The script should be a customized script which has features unique to your site. Mascot: An animated mascot can give you a lot of advantages. You can create a character which grabs the attention of your target audience and it helps them remember your arcade. Mascots can be featured in logos, games and social media. Featured and Exclusive games: Try to gain ownership of games and then place your site name and logo in it. It may cost a big amount, but if you feature the right games and unique games your arcade might be on the lips of many gamers. The same is with exclusive games. If you have those games which are just found in your website and it guarantees fun, then you have some visitors just coming to your site for that particular game. SEO, Advertising and Social Media Approach: Advertise your arcade well. Try to get your site in advertising programs such as Google AdSense to help you get more people. Optimize your site which helps it to rank well in search engines. The more visitors you get this way, the more the chances are that your site might be memorized by many. Social media presence is another way to get your visitors involved in your site via social networks. Regular Updates: Updates are what keep your game site going. Try to update with new games and other content to get people to come back for more every time. This can help you brand your arcade as the one where fresh games are always there. Remember that content is king. Member, Point and Reward System: These three systems sound quite promising. The member system helps to give the visitors a personal touch. They will be able to consider themselves as members of a site where they have a profile, an avatar and have earned certain points playing games. They will keep coming back for more. If you are also able to reward the visitors on the basis of the points they earn then it adds more to the benefits. Get your members involved: Forums and blogs related to your arcade and present in your site should be a good way to get members involved. You can publish interesting news about your arcades and games in your arcade blog. Encourage visitors to post in your arcade forums by creating and participating interesting discussions.

All the above mentioned methods are only some of the ways which will help you to brand your arcade. So, try to be innovative and think of new ideas which will be helpful in branding your arcade portal.

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Classifieds Advertising - Best Practices

Online advertising is no longer a fad; it is here to stay. Not just that, internet promotion has branched out into a wide array of options. Search marketing (PPC), banner advertising, video marketing, social media and online classifieds advertising.

Classifieds sites make a different breed of marketing. Interestingly, they have gained their popularity not because they are casual online flea markets. But mainly because of their attraction as a form of social media. They have succeeded in building online communities around them where users like to engage socially. Few people realize that we check classifieds sites more out of curiosity than anything else. We enjoy them because we love to know what the neighbors are up to through their ad posting, selling and buying. Moving sales ads have become our local news of who is moving. Then there is the "deal" attraction part of it. We unconsciouly believe that any purchase from an online classifieds site is a "deal". And many times, it is. But even if we pay the "Sears" price for it, we will still be convinced we snatched a deal.

Online classifieds advertising is gradually becoming the leading wagon in web marketing. It is expected to be even more popular as the rate of human interaction over the internet is breaking an all-time record. But for classifieds advertising to work, certain steps must be followed. First Things First.

Have a plan

It is important to lay down a plan before you get started. It could be as basic as a list of goals you want to accomplish. For example, driving an extra 100 visitors to your website per month from classifieds sites or a particular classified site. Such plan will allow you to review and evaluate what has been accomplished, what worked and what did not. The results of such evaluation will enable you to adjust your advertising strategy going forward.

Make a list

You will need this both to avoid random ad posting and to track your campaign's performance. Some sites are worthy of your time and some aren't. Here are some tips:

Exclude spam-ridden sites that allow cheap ads and postings from outside the country. Only select local sites that have built an online community around them. These are usually dominated by local listings. Local is best. If you're targeting visitors from the US, there is no point posting ads in a classifieds site in India. If the site contains business listings in your industry, it is a good enough place to have yours listed there, too. Do not dwell too much on the site's popularity or number of listings. Smaller sites have their advantages, too. One of them, your ad will enjoy longer visibility. After all, even one or two clients can be a valuable acquisition to your business.

Follow site rules

Reading the Terms of Service(TOS) and the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) is a good time investment. You may inadvertently find yourself violating them. Some common rules to bear in mind:

Do not cross post. Always post to the right category and local demographics. Do not overpost. Two ads per day is a safe bet. Do not post same ad over and over (or with a slight variation).

Create Ad and Test it

Do you remember when your first posted your ad on CL late at night, then went to bed? What were you thinking?

Let me guess!

You were overjoyed and could not wait to wake up the next morning to find customers have flocked to your offer. And at least hundreds of queued orders placed overnight waiting for you to process.

Not so generously!

Not matter how awesome and affordable is the product or service, prospects still need to be fairly convinced. In this time of economic recession and fierce competition, your offer needs to be extra attractive. This is where ad copy writing comes into play. Here are some ad copy writing basics.

Narrow down your ad's demographics. Write your ad in plain english and keep it consize. Your ad should clearly define your offer. Make your ad's headline stand out. Pick words that convey an appealing message. Only great headlines can get you those good and targeted visitors. Make your ad search engine friendly. Think of what words or phrases users use to search for similar offers. You need to include at least some of them. A successful ad is one that strikes a balance between a catchy headline and a searchable one. In the body of your ad, try and relate to what might motivate the buyer into purchase. Whatever motivation they have, try to relate to it. Whether it's a problem and how you solved it. Or a goal and how you achieved it. Story telling is a powerful marketing technique. Ensure your ad works by testing it. Don't settle on the first draft. Keep tweaking it till it works.

A free online ad is an effective, faster and cheaper way to test for a paid one (i.e AdWords PPC) or an offline advert(newspapers). What works online will work perfectly on print advertising.

Keep doing it.

Classified advertising works better as a long-term campaign. Continued exposure = Continued visibility. Repeated advertising will also help the message stick in your oblivious prospect's mind.

Scenario 1:

Am passionate about your stuff that you posted for sale on Monday evening. But since I only check my local classifieds site Friday morning, I did not see your ad. If you keep posting regularly, you increase the chances of me spotting your offer. That simple.

Scenario 2:

I did see your offer on Friday morning but I did not care about it. Seeing the same offer in the same section repeatedly will eventually prompt me to check it out(at least out of curiosity).

Track ad performance

There is no point keeping on promoting a certain product that did not sell(Assuming you've done things right). Something needs to be changed. May be the price, the packaging, service guarantees, etc. May be a certain site did not bring any leads and needs to be dropped from the list. Consider this only if time is an issue as sites are dynamic entities that rise and drop in performance. Also make sure you have used it for an enough time period to be able to judge its performance.

But how do you track this?

There are various tracking methods you can use to calculate the return of your advertisements. You can track by using a unique coupon code on each advert posted or a site-specific one. You can also include a URL identifier.

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SEO Press Releases: Why to Publish Them and How They Can Help Your Business

SEO press releases are important components of the online strategy for any business wanting to take advantages of the newest algorithms of the search engines.

The best solution to this problem is to find portals, authority websites and social media websites, to publish posts there using the keywords of interest and to link back to your website. It is the fastest way to be found on search engines for the desired key phrases.

The explanation is simple. The search engines favour these websites and index their content very high due to the fact that they are considered authority websites and their content is ranked accordingly. You can obtain fine results in as as little as 48 to 72 hrs which will boost almost overnight your online presence.

A special place is held by the press release websites which function the same way and also have tremendous traffic which will mean that your content will be placed in a medium already optimised for search engines and with visitors ready to review your content.

You know, the traffic is the life blood of your online business or of the online presence for your offline business. Doesn't matter how great is your website or blog, if you don't have traffic you don't have anything. On the web there are many press release websites, some of them free, others having paid memberships or paid features.

As from my personal experience I can tell you that most of the free ones will produce low results because the paid features or paid subscriptions are usually backed-up by supplementary features which will make a difference in your business. Usually these are represented by supplementary features or advanced search engine optimisation capabilities. After the publication it is recommended to share the press release on your social media accounts.

Also, when writing the press release keep in mind that there should be a purpose for publishing it and also think at the customer first by finding enough reasons why somebody will invest a few minutes to read it. Also, it needs to be engaging to make any potential client wants to find out more and to click the link back to your website which is usually placed in the footer of the release. Also, if the content submitted is interesting, your content will be syndicated to other websites needing content and you will have more and more potential customers checking the news and potentially clicking on your link.

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Choosing The Right CPA Affiliate Marketing Program

When people are doing cost per action affiliate marketing, I think one of the greatest issues that arises is choosing the right program that is relevant to what he or she is knowledgeable of or what that person is good at. If you don't choose the right program, then you will more than likely be all over the place. Every time a program pops up, you are going to join it because it's something "new." The only way someone will commit to a website affiliate program, is if he/she relates to the program.

Before you earn money with CPA affiliate marketing, you will need to join a network such as, or These are three of the best networks on the internet. There are many other networks out there but they are primarily copycats. They generally have a database full of sites and programs from various categories and industries. You will need to sift through this list and find programs that relate to what you are passionate about or what you are knowledgeable of at least.

You should never choose a website affiliate program just because it has a high payout ratio or just because they are paying you $100 per sale or per lead. Just because all of this is the case doesn't mean that you are going to just get sales off the top. You still have to put in some work and effort to obtain the leads and the sales you are looking for.

What Is The Best Affiliate Marketing Program?

This is a question that gets asked quite often. The answer is there isn't a best. Everything about the internet marketing world is relative. The only thing that's absolute is strategies that help you attempt to make money on the internet. There are specific strategies that you have to implement in order to be in compliance with the search engines and other sources of marketing.

When it comes to finding out the best affiliate marketing program, it's clearly a coin toss. You have many preferences and options when it comes to affiliate programs, so you need to be wise about your selection. You don't want to join something just because of trends and popularity. You need to have a purpose and a plan as to why you are joining this program in the first place besides getting traffic and making money.

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Here's the Biggest Issue With the Best Web Promotion Services

It's Jeremy Ashburn here. Let's take a step back and have a conversation, you and I. You've already got a business website but, alas, it isn't getting visitors and isn't growing your business. You've done a little bit of print advertising, but aren't completely sure how to grow your business using the Internet. We all know that there's many web promotion companies out there: "Which One is the best one?

Why should you pick one web company over the many other web promotion companies? In the best world, one must really pick a company that is both a Web Design and Promotion together. Why would you pick company that does both? Because, if you go with a web designer then choose a web promoter, they'll have to work together to grow your business. Do you know what? Both can't stand working together simply because they're totally different.

Most web-designers have the ability to make a site that looks appealing, nevertheless they often fail at doing OnPage SEO (which is doing the content in the correct way on the site so Google can find the site). What ends up happening is that these sites that have poor On Page SEO don't even show up in Google. What good is it, having the best online business in the entire world, yet having something that doesn't show up? Bad, that's very bad. So, the situation here is that web promoters can rank websites but can't usually one sites that look very good. You'll get a boring looking website, but it won't hold the traffic because it looks so horrible. In the end, both companies are at odds with each other and won't end up growing your company. You really DO NOT want to separate companies fighting to increase your bottom line.

The real question is: "How can I find an agency that does both web promotion and web design? Don't waste your time searching for answers on the net.

Here's our Strategy that for finding the best web promotion agency:

1. Ask Your Friends: Asking around in "your local social network" is really what man has been doing for Thousands of Years. Just don't turn to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter when starting out. Instead, do "the old-fashioned thing," pick up the mobile, ring your good friends, and ask them who they highly recommend. A real friend recommendation is worth a hundred "Facebook Friend" recommendations. Write down the leads you get in a notebook (or use Evernote).

2. Turn to Facebook: Once you've used up your local "real friends," then turn to Facebook for ideas. Email hundreds of private messages to your closest Facebook friends and ask them for ideas on which web promotion company to use. In this instance, you might end up "Facebooking" someone whom you've already left a message for in step one. The more "pings," the better.

3. Checkout LinkedIn: Last of all, look up web promotion companies in your local area on LinkedIn. You'll get more leads here. Investigate those leads using Steps #1 and #2.

In the end, your friends, Facebook, and LinkedIn will help you discover the best company that will really help grow your local business. In the end, we all want to grow our local business. Good luck!

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Earning Links Instead of Building Them

As Google continues to surprise webmasters and site owners with the impact of its algorithm updates, it becomes more and more suggestive that these updates will eventually render the classical means of creating links obsolete. It is apparent in these occasional updates that Google search algorithm is evolving. That is, Google is getting smarter in filtering sites that would appear on its SERPs.

SEOmoz CEO and co-founder, Rand Fishkin, thinks Google, in all these updates, conveys to us its intention of depriving the value of links built through old-school tactics. He foresees the emergence of the importance of earning links in driving relevant traffic to sites, just like in the mid to late 90s.

Nonetheless, not all conventional ways of creating links would seem to become ineffective. In fact, the manner by which we utilize these link building strategies could shape their role in earning links. Here's the comparison and contrast of some link building and link earning strategies as discussed by Fishkin. It primarily focuses on how we can turn the classical ways of building links into strategies for earning links.

1. Reciprocal Links and Cross Promotions

Link exchange is now against Google quality policy. We need to earn the goal of this technique in a natural and non-manipulative sense of SEO. We can do this by creating a kind of "mutualism" with another site. By developing a partnership with an authoritative site, our site can get featured without the need of dropping anchor text on other sites just to build backlinks. Our site partner will directly promote our site by mentioning the areas we are expert in and the kind of content we have for and can offer to visitors. In return, we should also promote the content of our partner site to our subscribers and target audience. So this strategy is a sort of making testimonials.

2. E-mail Blasts and Social Sharing

In the old-school SEO, we usually send e-mails to other sites or bloggers, offering them a bait piece or a sort of agreement, to gain exposure. We offer them a free logo or an exclusive content in exchange for a backlink. But we can also get penalized by Google due to "unnatural" linking. Instead of doing this, we may share the link of our content on our social pages. If our followers will find our content useful and interesting, they would share it to their own sets of friends and followers. As our social shares get magnified, they will produce organic links.

3. Buying Links and Earning Links Through Content

Any link schemes that pass PageRank violate Google quality policy. Thus, buying links must not be considered as an option for SEO. Rather, we should earn links by creating quality content. Quality content for Google denotes the relevance of content to searchers. So we need to determine the kind of content our target audience would interest the most and find out the keywords or keyphrases commonly used by searchers to find such content on the Internet. If our content would add value to users' experience and get them satisfied, more likely, they will be the ones who will share our content on their own social pages or blogs. As a result, natural links that point back to our site will be created through social sharing and citations.

4. Directory Submission and Inclusion on a Curated List

In an interview, a former member of Google Webspam Team admitted that getting listed on web directories is still important link building technique provided that these directories are curated lists and portals. Lists of credible and valuable web resources get shared easily on social networks and linked or cited by bloggers. Hence, curated lists provide the listed sites with valuable exposure. Moreover, the list creator also reaps SEO value from the list with respect to exposure and partnership with the listed sites.

5. Article Marketing and Guest Posting

Many article submission sites were hit by both Panda and Penguin. Hence, pretty good article directories, as of this posting, only have PageRank of five or six. These sites that managed to maintain good PageRank are picky on the kind of articles being uploaded on their pages. Those that accept any kind of article without quality control greatly suffered from the impact of both Panda and Penguin. But having a guest article on an authoritative, credible blog is far better than article marketing. By guest posting, we build partnership with the blog owner while creating quality backlinks for our sites. We also expose ourselves and brand to the site owner's friends and followers. So guest posting may eventually lead to an enhanced brand exposure and increased number of followers.

6. Link Dropping and Active Participation on Communities

Dropping do follow links on a page's comment section, online forum, or guestbooks is another old-school link building technique. Google algorithm updates made this technique ineffective. We may also get penalized by Google for spamming using this technique. Rather than dropping links, it's much better for us to join communities of bloggers and netizens who are experts on our niche. By actively participating in their activities, we can build affable partnership with them. Their followers and other members may also notice us and find interest in our content. Thus, by joining credible communities, we can hit two targets in a single stone: brand exposure and partnership.

7. Mining Competitors' Backlinks and Mining Competitors' Content

Since Google now favors sites with quality content, mining our competitors' best backlinks will no longer serve us best today. Finding out the sites they're linking to and create also links on those sites pointing to ours, will do less for our ranking on SERPs. It is our content that makes our sites appear on search results. Search engines crawl the web space and look for keyphrases used by searchers in finding information on the Internet. If our sites offer the information needed by searchers, more likely, our pages will appear on SERPs. However, there might be hundreds of sites that offer content similar to ours. So we need to become credible on our respective niches in order for our pages to be chosen by searchers over the other sites. We can build our credibility, as already mentioned above, by joining and actively participating in communities of experts. Another way is to look for a competitor's best content, then create a more authoritative and extensive content on that topic.

8. Building a Network of Sites and Building a Network of Social Influencers

Establishing a network of sites for the sake of building link popularity is spamdexing. Sites in a link farm are all hyperlinked to every other site in the network. In this way, link farming creates more inbound links for a member site. But this is a kind of search engine manipulation; hence, violating Google quality policy. A far better way of creating quality backlinks can be done by building a social network of influencers. These influencers have a great number of followers who, believing in their authority and credibility, share their content. If we capture the interest of these influencers through our content, they will surely share it to their great bunch of followers. Thus, having influencers in our followers' list will boost our brand exposure and create natural links pointing to our sites.

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4 Steps To A Beginner's Guide To CPA Affiliate Marketing

Cost per action affiliate marketing is a great way to make money on the internet if you know what you are doing. The industry isn't rocket science and you don't have to be a computer whiz or a marketing wiz to do this business. All you need are practical steps to become successful with Affiliate Marketing. I'm going to give four steps to a beginner's guide to CPA affiliate marketing.

1. Choosing a Niche The first thing that you need to do is choose a niche that you can relate to. It's always wise to choose a niche you know about, you are good at, or you are passionate about. It would really help you to have a unique relationship with what you are going to be promoting so that you can communicate the product a little better to other people.

2. Select the Right Website Affiliate Program This is one of the biggest steps in this process because you absolutely do not want to set yourself up for failure when it comes to selecting a good solid affiliate program to promote on the internet. If you are a beginner, you will need to join merchant sites like and These are two of the best and easiest to use in my personal opinion. These merchant sites have very good programs you can select and promote effectively. You will have all the stats you need to evaluate the best possible program.

3. Watch Out For Internet Marketing Affiliate Scams Scams are all over the internet. You can't get away from them in terms of exposure, but you can do something in terms of wisdom and awareness. This is more than enough of a reason to join merchant sites so you can stay in front of sites that are legit and verifiable. None the less you will need to be careful with the type of programs you are exposed to around the internet through social networks, emails, and other sources around the internet that are not verifiable and solely rely on your personal judgment.

4. Internet Marketing Methods to Help You Earn Money Affiliate Marketing As you become more and more exposed to this great industry, you will soon find out that you will need to have traffic in order for you to get sales and affiliate commissions. There are some basic ways that you can get traffic to your site without having to break your pockets. First you will need content on your site so you can get some love from Google.

The more content, articles and backlinks you have, the better you will rank on the search engines and the higher you will move up in keyword results. Article marketing is the best way to start and you can get free organic traffic doing so. Outsourcing is an option if you are not comfortable doing your own work but if you are not financial viable, then you can do the job yourself.

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The Basics of Web Site Promotion

Having a web site on the World Wide Web does not automatically grant you instant traffic without web site promotion. Just like in the offline world, you need to advertise and do some form of promotion to let people know more about your business and the services you offer. Without promotion, potential customers will not notice you and within a short time you will go out of business due to a lack of sales. The same is true in the online world as well, although both have different methods of promotion.

There are many types of web site promotion that you can use to attract web traffic to your site. You can devise a strategic Search Engine Marketing (SEM) plan that will draw paid traffic to your site. SEM can include Pay per Click (PPC), AdWords, Banner Exchanges, Banner Advertising and many others which all fall under the category of paid traffic. Another form of promotion known as Social Media Optimization (SMO) is basically the process of optimizing your site so that it can be easily linked to and shared across various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and many others. This allows you to spread your message even further to parts of the world at a pace so rapid that it beats traditional marketing hands down.

You can also use another form of web site promotion known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). These techniques enable your site to rank highly on the search engine results page ( SERPs). Ultimately, you want your site to be ranked on the first page for keywords that your site is trying to target. This will allow you to attract traffic from organic searches to your site which is free. SEO can be both On Page and Off Page. On Page is where your web page contains the keywords you are trying to promote. Off Page is where links with your keywords point back to your web site. The only cost involved in getting your site to be ranked would be the cost spent on link building. One of the most important factors search engines use to evaluate your site's ranking is the number of incoming links that are pointed at your site. The more quality incoming links your site has, the higher it will rank on the Search Engine Results Page.

There are many other ways you can build links to your sites, including Article Submission, Video Submission, Social Bookmarking, commenting on blogs, creating forum profiles, or creating pages on or You could even go a step further by building a complete link wheel for your site. This means that you will not only build your first tier of links to your site but you will also build a second tier of links that are pointed to the first tier links. The whole point of link building is to get the search engines to recognize the importance of your site by the number of popular votes from other sites. This method alone can significantly boost your search engine rankings and help you beat your competition.

The only problem with link building is that it takes up a lot of your precious time and can distract you from your main focus on your business. Fortunately, there are various companies out there that specialize in link building and web site promotion. Depending on your budget, you could easily outsource the entire promotion and marketing of your site to a qualified SEO consulting company that will not only save you time but money as well.

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Digital Marketing Trends 2012

Recently, the Australian Marketing Institute Breakfast meeting held a meeting with a theme "Where to Next?" Three of the best digital marketing trends in Australia were presented and the insights were given emphasis.

One of the presenters was Steve Sammartino, a planning and integration directory from Grey. He discussed how the integration of technology changes the way people normally do their business. He supported his idea by presenting some of the insights from the Eye on Australia 2012 research.

The examples given by Steve are similar to what the author of UnMarketing, Scott Stratten. Having an Australian perspective that have a research results to back up the claims makes the topic more interesting.

Fragmentation on Media Time will come that it is advertisers will have a difficulty and would spend more money just to reach specific audiences. This is due to the more and more people have the luxury to subscribe on the channels they like online. While it is true that there will still be people that are going to print ads and television, it is also true that building a channel for your brand will become popular soon.

It is a wise decision to start building a brand channel that people can interact with.

Shifting from Interruption Marketing to Permission Marketing Spamming social networks with the business you are promoting is not helpful at all. How you talk in the social communities should also be similar to how you talk personally.

The internet is now becoming a medium where people can interact without seeing each other personally. It is an interesting way to still communicate and facilitate conversation virtually.

The trend today is for businesses to think out of the box and engage in a conversation rather than merely blabbing about their product.

Anyone can make anything Nowadays, people are not interest on what company makes what. They are more interested in how certain brands can enhance the quality of life. Thinking how we can improve people's lifestyle is the key.

Smart Phones The invention of smart phones has an impact on the people's lifestyle. This is because smart phones allow us to be connected with one another 24/7. It makes our lives easier by allowing us to talk, to instruct our phones, to search for the things we need or the places we want to go. It is safe to say that smart phones have become a necessity not just a luxury.

The massive use of smart phone is a proof that we are undergoing through a revolution. With this, it is not easier to have a voice and be heard.

Reinventing Ideas There are a lot of ways on how we can integrate and make use of technology in our businesses. The key is to generate ideas and mash them up.

What is true today may not be necessarily true tomorrow. At some point, the Yellow pages was the popular "go to" item people who need something, now its Google.

Before, people would go to music stores and buy CDs. Now, nearly all music can be downloaded on iTunes and payments can be made online.

Constantly reinvent your business to be able to cope with the new technological trend. This way, we can be sure that we are securing our business with the number of customers rather than the infrastructure.

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Two Unusual Uses For QR Codes

QR Codes on Direct Mail Pieces

Many businesses are still using direct mail with great success. Depending on your product and the profile of your subscriber/customer list, they may still expect and appreciate regular information in the mail about your business. This may be in the form of a printed newsletter, a promotional custom card or letter, or simply a flyer. Including your QR code on these materials can be highly effective because once again it allows your market to learn more about your promotion, upcoming event, or product with a quick scan. This means no complicated typing of a URL and no multiple clicks to launch a browser. All of that work can be done for your customers by your well-designed QR code!

For example, imagine you sell decorative items for the home and you send out a monthly newsletter to your subscribers. In that newsletter you may update them on your journey as a home decorating pro, you'll likely also highlight trends in the home decorating industry and you'll likely be promoting some item for sale. Let's say this is the September newsletter and you know your subscribers are getting ready for the Thanksgiving season. You might include promotional coupons for Thanksgiving decorating products and even videos demonstrating how to decorate your home for the holidays. Rather than listing one long URL after another for these online visual treats, all you have to do is include one or more QR codes in your publication that can take your readers wherever you want.

You might have one QR code taking your subscribers directly to one of your videos and another QR code that take your subscribers to a section of your website, where you've placed online coupons to be accessed specifically by those using your QR codes.

Using QR Codes On Bumper Stickers And Vehicle Decals

How often have you read a bumper sticker or eye-catching decal on the window or body of a vehicle? Probably more times than you can count and that applies to most people. The nature of our roads in busy cities and suburbs is such that there will be times when traffic is slow and you will be stationery for some time behind a vehicle with nothing to do but stare straight at ahead at the road and of course the bumper and car/truck in front of you. That state of "resting" is an ideal opportunity to advertise a business using text that your audience can read while driving.

Since it's unsafe and in most places illegal to drive while using a Smartphone, your audience will likely be inclined to scan a code on your bumper sticker or body of the vehicle as they walk by on the street or in a parking lot. You'll likely want to use smart copy and a QR code on a bumper sticker or vehicle body decal to ensure that you give your audience the opportunity to take notice and learn more about your business while driving and while walking on foot.

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5 Benefits of Using SlideShare for Tourism Business

SlideShare is the first and best option for everyone in every business to share photos, slides, diagrams, education images, etc. Travel and tourism businesses can make best use of this platform to attract their potential customers visually. You may think there are a lot more social photo sharing websites out there that can be similarly helpful, but there are certain features in this powerful website that make it unique and worth considering. Here are five benefits of using SlideShare for tourism businesses:

1) You Can Make a Professional Looking Photo Gallery

Inside your own website, you should have reached a point where the necessity to build a powerful photo gallery has become a must. You may have several photos in different categories and want to present them in a gallery style. SlideShare format and service features suite travel businesses perfectly well.

2) Your Slideshow Get Lots of Views Online

As this platform has got a high Google Page Rank and top search engine position for several keywords, you can use it as a powerful website to launch your marketing campaign. If optimized well, chances are you gain high ranking for your keywords through photo gallery presentation here compared to your competitors.

3) You Can Add Voice to Your Gallery

As you make a PowerPoint presentation with your photos before you upload them to SlideShare, it is possible to add audio narration to your photos. Therefore, you can add audio to your photos including explanation for each of them. This is a feature you do not find in usual photo galleries used inside websites.

4) You Do not Use Lots of Your Own Server Space

Photos can consume a lot of your server space as they are much larger files. Instead of uploading them one by one to your server, you can make a presentation in PowerPoint or first and upload it as a single file to SlideShare. They host your files for free and present it to the world. They have tens of millions of users and the possibility to be found and seen there is a lot more than inside your own site.

5) You Can Show Your Photo Gallery at Your Site

Although I have explained that you can showcase your travel services and products using slides shown outside your website, it is possible and problem-free to show them inside your site as well. You can get SlideShare's embed code for each slide so that you can show them at your websites, share them, etc. You don't have to worry about duplicate content and so forth either. It is a code that reads the data from the server of SlideShare and shows them inside your site.

Tourism related businesses like hotels, tour operators, etc have got a lot of photos that can share on the web to attract their potential customers. This is a very useful and professional method that allows you to submit your images to various social websites while they are found on search engines more easily.

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All About Viral Marketing

When a viral marketing campaign is undertaken online, a message goes 'viral' after a large audience is encouraged to pass on a marketing message via links to friends or to visit a specific webpage, video, or social media page. Viral advertising is an idea that reaches across the net - and once it reaches a wide enough audience, it actually helps to market a particular cause or business.

One of the main advantages of getting others to pass on marketing messages is that those people become your advertising team, and of course, this is all done for free. Online marketing principles of this type are so effective due to the low-cost and ease of someone else forwarding on a promotional idea or message.

Viral marketing is a valuable and cost-effective means for a business to attract a lot of interest in a short space of time. Advertising of this nature is of course down to a high pass-along rate of friend to friend. If the majority of recipients pass on the link to someone else, than the growth of a campaign grows rapidly, However, if the pass-along rate isn't too impressive, the growth will soon come to an abrupt halt. Achieving this snowball-effect of high volume visitors isn't as easy as it once was, although with the know-how and experience, it is still very achievable to orchestrate a successful online promotion.

In order to succeed as a marketing strategy, a viral marketing campaign needs to do more than merely attracting a large volume of visitors to a webpage - a business will want to increase leads or sales. Although, a lot of the promotions that 'go viral' do attract a sizable audience, they might not generate much in regards to attracting new business or increasing sales.

Viral marketing campaigns that are most successful are those that offer an incentive to pass on a message. Incentives or rewards for participating can range from a gift coupon, a cash incentive, a 'free' product or service or just to receive a humorous message - the precise choice of incentive will depend on the targeted audience, marketing goals, and overall resources. This simple push to get people forwarding your marketing message can be the difference between complete success and total failure.

Off-line, viral marketing is also an important technique that businesses implement to increase visibility and growth, although varies other terms are more commonly used such as creating a buzz, word-of-mouth, and leveraging the media.

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Local Business: How to Get More People to Your Website

The question that many businesses want to know is

"How do I get my website onto the first page of Google?"

The answer is usually one of two:

1. "Optimise your website using different SEO techniques to get it to the front of the queue"

2. "Get a Google AdWords account and start bidding!"

The problem with these two ways is that they will both cost you a bit of money. SEO is the best long term strategy for any business, but if you can't find a company to work with your budget you need to look for other options or attempt to do it yourself. Google AdWords is great for instant results, but with instant results comes instant cost and with these method traffic to your website will never be free and the more traffic you get the more money you will spend.

There is however a third way which won't work for all businesses, but if you are a local business focusing on a certain geographical area you can get your business on the first page by registering with Google Places.

How will it get me on the first page?

When you register with Google Places you have to state what your business is, the address, key words and all the usual information when you are adding your business to any directory.

Now, when someone searches for a business they may want a local business in which case they would type the business and the location, for example "car mechanic in Bath". When someone types in a search request such as this Google recognises that they are looking for a local business and display the first page results in 3 sections:

1. Google AdWords

2. Google Places

3. Organic search results

There still may be a bit of competition to be on the front page with Google Places so make your your website is in good order with the correct SEO and get a few clients to give you a review to help boost your rankings. What have done though just by registering is fended off all the millions of websites that you are competing with in the organic results!

Be Warned...

So as not to allow Google Places to be abused you will have to confirm your address details with Google by entering a unique key code they will send you and this usually takes a few weeks, but it will be well worth the wait.

How do I register?

You can register with Google Places by going to

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